Monday, March 31, 2008


Good evening everyone. It's Monday March 31st and the last day of the blog tour. I'm posting these interviews one-by-one. These folks who own the blogspots have been wonderful as has tour promoter Nikki Leigh. Enjoy

Toni LoTempio Hosts Patricia Guthrie
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Submitted by litekepr on Fri, 03/28/2008 - 19:10.
I'm pleased to welcome Pat Guthrie, author of IN THE ARMS OF THE ENEMY, to my blog. Pat's agreed to answer some questions so we can learn a little more about her and her fabulous book!

Hi Pat, and Welcome!

Tell us a bit about yourself and the genre you write.

I write romantic suspense and mysteries. I grew up reading Agatha Christie so I have to say she was my biggest influence. Now I love Janet Evanovich , James Patterson, Linda Howard and too many others to mention. I love deep subjects laced with humor. Characters who are laced with crisis, but still are able to share a sense of humor. I try to give my characters negative as well as positive traits. Negative to get them into trouble, positive to get them out of trouble.

I started out in music; in the world of opera-theater and great singing. I sang works by great composers in many languages, but not always great plots. Now, I find myself on the other side of the coin. Instead of singing other people's work, I write my own stories.

Did you choose your present genre; or did the genre choose you?

The genre chose me, because of my roots. All those Dame Agatha novels and Edgar Alan Poe works around the house. It was inevitable.

Have you always wanted to write?

No. I started out wanted to be an opera singer. It was my passion for years. I slipped into writing in the later 90's.

What would be a typical day for you, as a day in the life of a writer?

When I'm organized (the big when) I try to set a plan. I work from 9:30 to ll:30 and 1-4 or so. Writing, though entails marketing and networking along with planning, plotting, and researching. There's a lot to it. I find myself working at night as well. So, it's not always the same schedule. if I take the morning off to ride my horse or play with my dogs or go to breakfast with a friend, I'm not guilty about it.

Where do you get your ideas for your stories?

From incidents from life. Sometimes from real events. But all the stories are made up. You won't find any colorful news worthy people brightening up the pages of my books. I focus on serious subjects and try to intertwine humor into the plot.

Are any of your characters based on real people?

Some have been, but have been changed so much those people would never recognize themselves. I must admit there's a lot of me in some of my characters. The good ones and the bad ones.

If you could be any one of your characters, which one would you be, and why?

I think it would be Maggie McGregor in In theArms of the Enemy, because of her high level involvement with horses. And I think Adam is neat and sometimes infuriating; managing to do the wrong thing for the right reasons. He's passionate and loyal to his family and his horses. And not bad looking either.

Do you do research for your novels? What was the most interesting person, place or thing you have researched?

Yes. I do lots of research for my novels. Mostly on the internet. The most interesting place was at C.J.Ranch (where I board my horse) for the visual imagery in In the Arms of the Enemy. Carol Craig a horseshow judge and well knowledged about horses read over my book to make sure there were no super bloopers. I also went to the racetrack for this book. Went to an attractive in overlooking Lake Michigan for one of the scenes and have taken extensive rides in the woods. That book was fun to write.
I have one book I'm working on that takes place in Romania. I wish I could afford to go there. I can only rely on photos and accounts of others who have been there. Sigh.

Have you ever had writer's block? If yes, what have you done to overcome it?

I think I have. I usually take some time for myself and do something else and get back to it later. I might do research or lay on the couch and think about the scenes. I think we write so intensely that what is called writers block is actually either fear of failure, fear of success or burn-out. I once had that for many months.

When I got back to the novel, I found my writing had changed for the better and I got through those pesky passages like they'd never been a problem. Sometimes getting away isn't a bad idea.

Not everyone would agree with me. We all have to make our own way through the creative process.

What inspired your love of horses? What is your favorite horse in fiction?

I have no idea what inspired my love of horses. I've always loved horses. I grew up on Long Island where they had Belmont Racetrack, Aqueduct Racetrack, Jamaica Racetrack (before it was torn down) and Roosevelt Raceway. Out farther on the island was horseshow country and the famous Smithtown Hunt. The most I could do was take riding lessons with the girl scouts. But my passion for the animals grew. I wasn't able to own a horse until I was an adult.

I have several favorite fictional horses: Black Beauty was one, Smoky by Will James, and i've always love the Black Stallion books. Those are the ones that come to mind. I'm sure there are others.

Thanks, Pat! Hey, everyone, be sure to check out IN THE ARMS OF THE ENEMY at your local bookstore!

Book Promo 101 - NOW AVAILABLE
"Coastal Suspense with a Touch of Romance"

Patricia A. Guthrie
"In the Arms of the Enemy." (Light Sword Publishing)
Dedicated to those horses lost to man's inhumanity and greed
and to those humanitarians who's mission is to save and protect,

This was originally posted by Toni on her blog at

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