Monday, March 18, 2013


I received GOOD NEWS from my veterinary clinic today. My horse, Huntin a New Flame, AKA Smokey is free and clear of EPM (Equine Protaoal Myloencephalitis). The new Oraguan 10 (Decoquinate) and Levamisole combination worked. We've been battling this since he was diagnosed in 2009. We thought the Marquis (drug) had cleared it up--and it had, for a time. Recently, he relapsed. Since 2009 new drugs have come on the market Two Decoquinate/levamisole worked. After a second blood test (SAG Eliza testing)
the results came back NEGATIVE. There is no active infection.

Now, we have to battle bone spurs, but the good doctor gave him his first shot of Hylauronic Acid, which, I know, has helped many horses. The bone spur showed up in the XRay. This medication will coat the joints and take out the rubbing of the bone spur against the other bone.

Life may now go back to normal. Poorer, but happy.

Going to a writing online workshop now.

God bless and thank you Lord for Smokey.


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