Saturday, May 23, 2015

Online Writing Workshops Can Be Fun as Well as Educational

Sorry for the lag in my posts. Tooth issues again. This week it was root canal part two. Now, it's over and done with. No more infection. No more pain. I'm recovering and don't feel so stressed over it all.

Dixie (horse) and my new novel "Matt's Murder" are now stressing me out. Need to have something to stress over, don't we? Will share a little of Matt and its problems with you sometime down the road. 

Something I'd like to talk about today.

As you probably know, I took over a successful online writer's group in April. We changed the name to Writer's Rock (Facebook) and chat on Monday nights at AOL's Chapter One. For those of you on AOL, that would be at 9 EST, 8 CST, 7 MST and 6 PST. We're moving right along with topics and presentations covered through June. 

We're moving into a new more interactive workshop presentation mode. Instead of just presentations, we're presenting, then giving the writer's a chance to have some fun with the topic. 

Two weeks ago, Donna Mains gave a presentation on Action and Reaction. I wrote a blog. I know you know this, but reaction is what happens after an action takes place. Action: I went to the store and saw my boss. Reaction: My boss saw me and fired me.  That's pretty basic. The action must precede the reaction. I say "hi," you say "hi" back. I say "see you in ten minutes" you say "not if I see you first."  It gets more sophisticated than that in novels, but if the timing is wrong, it can send you right out of story. Might even get your book thrown against the wall. (horrors upon horrors.) 
So what did we do? We came up with the worst sentences we could think of and corrected and had each other correct them. Came up with many LOL and ROFL. Our Internet endearment terms. 
Everyone took part, even those who are a bit shy in participating. Hilarious--but a real learning experience. Who said writing classes had to be boring? 

Can't wait until someone takes the purple prose or misused words and expressions. 

If any of you writers who are on AOL want to learn and grow as a writer and participate come join our Monday night workshop chats and FB group. Go to Facebook/Writer's Rock and check us out. 

My email address is: if you have questions. 

Now, I get to work on Dixie. She's coping a "tude." I wonder if she's coming in season. 


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