Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt from Quotable Notes

Happy New Year to everyone who travels through my blogs. Here's a neat quote by FDR. 

" There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still. " Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

I've found writer's block (see my blog) and procrastination to be debilitating. I've also found many ways out. Sometimes it takes a long, long time to get there, other's not long at all. 

This year, I managed to finish a novel I'd started in the late 1990's. It was tough updating some information, trends, social media and electronics, but I THINK I manage to accomplish this. 

So, I did it. I finished the book. Then I enlisted the help from some very good writer/reader beta readers who managed to get me to make a great deal of changes, and MORE changes are still sitting in my files. 

Legacy of Danger is a paranormal romantic suspense novel. I'm hoping it will "get out" this year. Bye Bye baby. It's like sending a kid off to college or the workforce.

Getting back to the quote, I've found many ways back into the writing mode. But standing still is just that. Like sitting in the middle of a traffic jam that won't move. (brain is traffic jam).

Have a great day and a great year.



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