Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Do You Set Goals? Jessica: The Autobiography of an Infant.

So do you? Set goals?

Usually, when I do, then don't take hold and my goals either change or diminish as time goes by. 

But, here are mine for the New Year, anyway. Hopefully, with setting deadlines and keeping up enthusiasm for tasks, they will not only take hold, but will become achievable. Here goes. 

1. Finish final edits for Legacy of Danger--deadline March 1st. 

2. Start new project, possibly a cozy mystery series. That seems to be popular and usually provides a fun read. (not sure I have that fun of a personality, but I'll try. Romantic suspense has ever been my forte) 

3. Read books and review them for Amazon. I'm on Rave Review Book Clubs a great source of inspiration where members read and review each others' books. 

4. Promote existing published books: In the Arms of the Enemy and Waterlilies Over My Grave (see Amazon.com  Patricia A. Guthrie) 

5. Keep up Writer's Rock, my Facebook writer's group. Many talented, professional and amateur writers are in this group at varying levels. In order to participate in the workshops, you have to be on AOL (Chapter One) Monday nights. You can join and get great information on Facebook. 

Currently reading: "Jessica: The Autobiography of an infant."  Wow, is this ever psychologically deep. If you like psychology this is the book for you. 



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