I appeared on Rave Review Book Clubs Blog Spot Radio. Marlena Smith interviewed me about "Waterlilies Over My Grave" and that was a fun topic for me. We went over my background, my books, how I started writing and other good stuff. If you go on to Twitter and #RRBC you'll find Marlena Smith's Radio Blog. Every other Saturday she features a new author at 12 CST. You might enjoy this, if you like discovering new authors.
Micki Peluso, who's memoir "And the Whippoorwill Sang" caused quite a stir among a select audience, has written and had published her children's book "The Cat Who Wanted A Dog." Adorable toddlers coloring book. Thanks to Neva Franks for the illustrations and Linda Daly for the book cover.
My new book "Legacy of Danger" should be coming out this fall. Wish it would fall around Halloween, but, it might be a bit later. So much has happened this summer. I'll be promoting and giving hints to its story as I continue with Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and my blog. (I'm awful at continuing my blogs.)
Some new problems have arisen with Amazon. Books are being "sold" for free through the Amazon Premium. I sold 500 books and received little for my efforts. They all came from Kindle. Most were from Kindle Memberships and Kindle Prime. I still don't understand. Maybe somebody can explain how this works to me.
Meanwhile, I have a full day of marketing, editing for a friend and checking out an old story that I might continue and send to my publisher. A horse story.
You all take care. Please let me know you were here. I need to find out how people can buy my book directly from my website (www.patriciaanneguthrie.com) or my blog.
Patricia A. Guthrie
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