Thursday, December 28, 2017

                           A REVIEW:     THE RECTOR: A Christian Murder Mystery, The Solo series
Michael Hicks Thompson  

Reading THE RECTOR was an adventure, no a suspenseful and delightful adventure, despite the multiple bodies flowing throughout the book.
THE RECTOR is a Christian murder mystery with many religious or spiritual themes threading throughout the plot. Biblical names attach themselves to the characters. Martha (heroine) runs a boarding house, a newspaper and solves murders when she has the time. There’s also a Mary, who has many experiences like Mary (but which Mary? Both?) David (rector and victim number one) Christian (rector number three) and Father Thomas Cain aka Sartain, rector number two. Each one carries traits that can relate to a biblical figure.
The main character, Martha, is an observer with a probing mind. She wants to know, “How could that have happened?” throughout most of the book and its three murders. (or is it four?) Her insatiable curiosity gets her and half the town in trouble, trying to find out “who dun it?”
The first murder happens to the new pastor. It’s a heart attack, so proclaims the coroner and doctor, but, as Martha wonders, “was it?” So begins several years of investigations and grilling suspects, poisonings, one hanging, and some other ingenious ways of disposing of someone’s life. Each time Martha finds a valid suspect for the local sheriff, and he’s either convicted (or not) another pops up in his place.
A terrific mystery, spiritual and biblical overtones, a good account of the 1950’s town and people, who are flawed, but fun.
Good work, Michael Hicks Thompson. I’m looking forward to your second novel about Solo, which can be purchased on Amazon. 

Review by: Patricia A. Guthrie 

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